
Big Fella Can Bollocks

I'm well fed up of BIG FELLA and his ego. Hes not in charge of me the big poof


Anonymous said...

I am CRAFTY CUNT and I hereby offer my support to the REAL COVERT UNDERCOVER NUISANCE TACTICS.

I have worked endlessly to bring the COVERT TEAM videos crafted by me and because of this I refuse to make any more videos for BIG FELLA.

BIG FELLA has become too big for his boots and I DEMAND he hands back the keys to the COVERT FRIDGE and leaves COVERT MANSION by the time Coronation Street finishes on Monday 24th of December 2007.

Big Fella once borrowed my iPOD and never gave it me back but whenever I try to ask for it back hes either busy shagging some bird or drinking vodka and quite frankly I've had enough.


Crafty Cunt

Production Manager for COVERT TV

Regional Organiser for Dappledown Farm

I once met Robert Powell and he played Jesus on telly you know.

Anonymous said...

Did someone mention pies?

I worked hard for the BNP read about the hard work I put in from this report from the BNP website.

Talking about BNP policies and what we stand for is the main task of activists in the party. For the foot soldiers – our leafleters- the message is printed and distributed far and wide, so the general public get to hear of our views.

But two of the candidates in Tameside have gone one step further, taking action against unacceptable behaviour in public – and getting results!

Star letter

Bev doesn’t fudge the lines when it comes to stealing: the following letter was published in the Stockport Express, and won Bev £15 as the star letter of the week:

Dear Sir

While shopping at Morrison’s supermarket in Cheadle Heath this week, I was astonished to see a young lad help himself to a piece of fudge, eating it while returning to his father and grandmother.

As luck would have it, this trio pulled into the checkout behind me. I asked the youngster if he didn’t think he should add a piece of fudge to the groceries, so that he could pay for the one he had eaten.

I would have expected a shame-faced look, and would have done nothing further. However, the father asked me what was up, so I told him. His response – “there’s nothing wrong with that – if you have a complaint f**** off and tell management about it.”

As it is, I now mull this seemingly trivial incident over, and lament the lack of self respect, manners and honesty of people.

Taking a piece of fudge – a minor expense to the shop I daresay, and no doubt budgeted for as shrinkage. Yes, sir, there is something wrong with stealing – it means the shop puts up its prices so I have to pay for your dishonesty! It is also morally wrong, and illegal to boot.

Condoning your son’s behaviour – well there is no doubt the acorn has not fallen too far from the tree. But how do we correct a society so immoral if nobody speaks up?

And telling me to go to management to complain – just how stupid are you? My problem was with your son, and I spoke to him in front of you, face to face.

There was every opportunity here for the wrong to be righted – and in case you are too thick to understand – you should have got another piece, paid for it and handed it back. Shopkeepers deal very graciously with this sort of thing.

You should have said thank you madam, I will deal with this, and that would have been the end of my involvement.

You should have taken your son home and walloped him for being dishonest.

You should be at home feeling ashamed.

How many of your readers ‘don’t say anything’ – I think it is time we had a social revolt, starting with speaking out when kids get it wrong.

Bev Jones

Can I come and campaign for you lads? As you can see I can get very annoyed when someone steals fudge and doesn't give me any. Heres the link just so you know its the truth and can be trusted to work hard for the name of nationalism.


Anonymous said...

I would like to offer my services to the real Covert Team. Where I live (Hartley Wintney) is hardly a hive of multicultural diversity so I have plenty of time on my hands. Please can I have a job?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your support Roger Robertson, heaven knows I need it right now.

Anonymous said...

I dont like big fella and would like to add my name to the list . I was yuff leader but have packed it in because big fella wont let me bring my veggy mates to covert mansion .

Donny Pond yuff leader

Anonymous said...

Bev Jones has sold you lads out

Anonymous said...

I know some proper scandal on the big fella....

for 15 minutes on your xbox360 i will tell you how he managed to become the owner of '2' matalan cards.

Anonymous said...

re: Donny Pondlife thank you for your support

Unite Against Fatscum
For information on Big Fella and how the fuck he managed to get two of them Matalan cards you can have an hour on the XBOX360

Anonymous said...

i will pluck up the courage to tell you one day. But it is really risky business going behind big fellas back.

Not only does he have 2 matalan cards but rumour has it that he is in the process of getting a third. This nonsense must stop. Imagine just how powerful he will become if he manages to get 4.

That 1 hour is very tempting though.

Danny Rowland said...


This is some funny stuff. Have always enjoyed your particular brand of wit.

Donny Pondlife = brilliant.

Was slightly confused at the "veggy" comment though. Care to shed some light on this?

Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics said...

We don't know Danny. Do you have 'veggie' friends? Maybe you have a friend whos a vegetables? Personally we like vegetables although we've always found Brocoli to be twats.

Danny Rowland said...

Quote: "we've always found Broccoli to be twats."

That’s a bit of a generalisation isn't it!? Is it not possible for broccoli and other vegetables to coexist peacefully? They are after all, all rich in vitamins and minerals.

Let us not forget that the great British Sunday roast was founded on the presence of broccoli, alongside the dark sprout and white cauliflower. Surely, all that matters is that you aren’t mixing fruit with vegetables; for that would be a sure way to destroy the culture behind the great British Sunday roast.
