
Fucking Twat

The latest news is that BIG FELLA sent some of his attack dog heavies round to my penthouse apartment holiday home, shag pad this afternoon. They nicked my fucking computer, emptied my fridge and even took a shit in my bog without fucking flushing. My computer......gone........thats all my movies and the entire back catalouge of Cliff Richards works (for my mum cos she....erm.........doesn't know how to transfer music and I was doing it for her).

They took everything I had of ANY value and as I gazed around my room at the emptyness I noticed they had even stolen the frame that displayed a painting from my JONATHAN BOWDEN COLLECTION which now hung silently alone and at a jaunty angle on the wall above where my bed once stood.

I am calling for BIG FELLA to resign now cos this has gone to far with your leader fetish and power hungry attitude. I DEMAND that you

fuck off out of COVERT MANSION

And tell us the truth WHY DO YOU HAVE TWO MATALAN CARDS? Your handler must pay you well BIG FELLA and why is Bev Jones from Tameside KEEPER OF THE KEYS TO THE COVERT FRIDGE? Can you really trust her? Time will tell!


Anonymous said...

Oh my god!!! the full collection of Cliff Richards...

The bloody brutes

Anonymous said...

Big Bev has the keys to your fridge?

I know I'm a fat cunt, but at least I'd leave you a crumb!

Anonymous said...

I might post as Anonymous but honest Im a big big covert official honest honest I dont like that big fella before him all you had to do to get a realy good title was organise a secret meeting with a few mates now thats all changed he expects us to DO THINGS or we will be replaced the bloody cheek of it

Anonymous said...

What does BIG FELLA make you do?

Anonymous said...

I know a secret about big fella.. When he thinks that he is the company of loyal subjects, he partakes in very naughty acts of binge eating. Last time I was there at covert mansion he forgot himself after indulging in a few bottles of newky brown and then proceeded to (get this) eat not one but two ‘vegetable burgers’. Now how despicable is that?



I once stole a pie from the fridge.

Anonymous said...

Why has nobody asked for my opinion?
That Big Fella has made my life hell he keeps telling people I'm a fat poof who lived with an MI5 agent but how was I to know peter was working for the state he was great and even let me go on top sometimes ooopps forget I said that .
Big Fella should go now .

Anonymous said...

How dare you set up this blog in disgust at Big Fella. Close it at once or i will release the footage of you dancing to the - dancing to the - to the -



Anonymous said...

Crafty Cunt once stole a pie
When confronted he told a lie
He ate it all, left not one crumb
Apart from the sauce upon his thumb
Not surprised that he’s defected
He says “Big Fella wasn’t elected”
Who will follow him, now he’s gone?
All the blind that can see no wrong.
They’ll be back on knees a creeping
That Big Fella will not be weeping.
So let’s see it through until the end
And hope the Big Fella doesn’t bend
Cos if he does a tragedy we await
And mark my words, then it’s too late.

Anonymous said...

tp14 thats a lie and I'm even thinking of taking legal action against your slander. I have never stolen a pie in my life. I have liberated many though and scoffed the fucking lot without remorse.