
I Need Some Attention
A personal and somewhat intimate perspective of events by Tom Linden
I would like to say that in all my years as a nationalist I've never had to try or indeed jump higher than to get on this bandwagon but I finally made it. I would also like to make it absolutely clear that whichever side in this matter gives me a voice first I will kiss their arse until my lips bleed and in return be allowed to make quite pointless and repeatative posts just to reassure my own instability and fulfil my desire to belong.

Tom Linden


Anonymous said...

Bravo Tom. You took the words right out of my mouth.

Anonymous said...

come on tom we go back a long way,sorry i defected but sharon got me onto balti pies.i promise i will put me suit in the cleaners it has been 30 years you knowwwww

Anonymous said...

you'll not put your defacated suit in keith,cos i refuse to clean it so there.
covert laundry manager.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your out pouring of support for me. I'm so humbled.

Anonymous said...

Tom you feel humble because you fucking have good reason to be you cant even tell the difference between Hendersons Relish and that shit Worcester sauce or Sarsons Malt and some crap non brewed condiment found in low grade chippys .

Anonymous said...

Big Fella I admit that my sense of smell diminished after years of having my head jammed in some crack kissing arse and my sense of taste went the day I bought a Jonathon Bowden painting. Bev Jones may have problems getting rid of her teddy bears but have you ever tried flogging a Bowden?

Anonymous said...

I would like to explain my reasons for not being KEEPER OF THE SACRED SAUCE BOTTLES for the Covert Team anymore. I did not resign, I was stood down by THE BIG FELLA on Thursday 31st January. This was after he had asked me if I attended the Voice Of have you got any Change conference in (XX SECRET LOCATION XX) on January 27th . I of course told him that I had and that I fully supported what was proposed on the day.
Although not completely surprised by this, it is still disappointing to be ousted from a position because of supporting what I believe are much needed changes within the COVERT CREW. I did not resign my position earlier because I felt it would be unfair on my small but dedicated team of POT WASHERS here at THE MANSION. I had recently ordered a batch of PIES from the HALAL PIE SHOP and was preparing to go full steam ahead for the PIE AND SAUCE CONTESTS in May…….
Tarn Patriot
(I’m grovelling now to Crafty, to see if he will give me title without an ‘EX’ in front of it….

Anonymous said...

Tarn Patriot this only goes to prove that those who leave a position and the job they are allocated easily replaceable.

You did an excellent job as KEEPER OF THE SACRED SAUCE BOTTLES and the sauce never congealed at the top round the cap but there are serious doubts about your commitments. In your favour though and regarding your visit to the VOICE OF HAVE YOU GOT ANY SPARE CHANGE your assault on the buffet was commendable. Managing to stuff all that pork pie, sausage rolls and sandwiches into your coat pockets then to turn up at COVERT MANSION around midnight to share the spoils will have worked greatly in your favour.