
Our Meeting Went Right Good

The meeting went really really well. A few of us got to sit at the special table and look right important and that. We had a questions and answers session and a buffet and everything. Then after a short break a few of us sat behind the special table again and tried to look important. Everyone who attended which was about 2600 give or take a few started to fall asleep so we livened things up with a game of 'lets blame Nick Griffin' and suddenly the room was....erm.....still falling asleep so we grabbed what was left of the buffet and fucked off rather sharpish.

Please note we managed to get this comprehensive report of our successful meeting online before the UAF (not like some people we could mention eh kids?)


Anonymous said...

Before the buffet some important c.u.n.t. gave a passionate address detailing why the expelled intended to fight Big fella all the way to the high court if necessary to retain their memberships.
The important c.u.n.t. then told the audience,who had come from fucking miles away that the buffet was open,thereby causing a stampede.
I of course got nothing except three missing teeth and a fractured arm greedy c.u.n.t.s.

Anonymous said...

it was a fantastic meeting.. the only reason that they are stating 2600 attended and not the real figure of 4892 is the fire regulations.

the buffet was first class too, 7 different types of pork pie and 5 choices of brown sauce. but some sneaky cunt stole the hendersons. so own up, who was it?

Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics said...

It was liberated, not stolen

Anonymous said...

Anti-gag said

It was a great meeting, so many boys and men in one room. it was wonderful and wet and steamy and the buffet tables were low eniugh to make men lean forwards to get their pork pie. i cant wait until the next one.

From Chris Hill

Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics said...

Chris Hill you've been warned before about your passion for other men and their pork pies. Please refrain from this kind of behaviour.

Anonymous said...

There was a meeting that went right well
How many was there, it was hard to tell
Lots of things were talked about
On how to rid us of the lout
Him be BIG FELLA so under-estimated
For the Hendersons he had liberated
Never mind though, cos the food was great
For the next meeting, I can’t wait.
I’m coming supplied with my own relish
All you other buggers can rot and perish
Until then, I hope you all take care
Beware of the BIG FELLA, cos he’s not fair