
Our Meeting Went Right Good

The meeting went really really well. A few of us got to sit at the special table and look right important and that. We had a questions and answers session and a buffet and everything. Then after a short break a few of us sat behind the special table again and tried to look important. Everyone who attended which was about 2600 give or take a few started to fall asleep so we livened things up with a game of 'lets blame Nick Griffin' and suddenly the room was....erm.....still falling asleep so we grabbed what was left of the buffet and fucked off rather sharpish.

Please note we managed to get this comprehensive report of our successful meeting online before the UAF (not like some people we could mention eh kids?)


I Need Some Attention
A personal and somewhat intimate perspective of events by Tom Linden
I would like to say that in all my years as a nationalist I've never had to try or indeed jump higher than to get on this bandwagon but I finally made it. I would also like to make it absolutely clear that whichever side in this matter gives me a voice first I will kiss their arse until my lips bleed and in return be allowed to make quite pointless and repeatative posts just to reassure my own instability and fulfil my desire to belong.

Tom Linden
Enough Is Enough Big Fella & The Voice Of Have You Got Any Spare Change
Emergency Conference To Be Held This Weekend
Its been decided that an emergency conference is to be held on Saturday the 4th of Feb to decide what the bloody hell to do with BIG FELLA who apparently wants to 'modernise' COVERT UNDERCOVER NUISANCE TACTICS. We are looking for all the support we can get so try and make it if you can.


Fucking Twat

The latest news is that BIG FELLA sent some of his attack dog heavies round to my penthouse apartment holiday home, shag pad this afternoon. They nicked my fucking computer, emptied my fridge and even took a shit in my bog without fucking flushing. My computer......gone........thats all my movies and the entire back catalouge of Cliff Richards works (for my mum cos she....erm.........doesn't know how to transfer music and I was doing it for her).

They took everything I had of ANY value and as I gazed around my room at the emptyness I noticed they had even stolen the frame that displayed a painting from my JONATHAN BOWDEN COLLECTION which now hung silently alone and at a jaunty angle on the wall above where my bed once stood.

I am calling for BIG FELLA to resign now cos this has gone to far with your leader fetish and power hungry attitude. I DEMAND that you

fuck off out of COVERT MANSION

And tell us the truth WHY DO YOU HAVE TWO MATALAN CARDS? Your handler must pay you well BIG FELLA and why is Bev Jones from Tameside KEEPER OF THE KEYS TO THE COVERT FRIDGE? Can you really trust her? Time will tell!


Big Fella Can Bollocks

I'm well fed up of BIG FELLA and his ego. Hes not in charge of me the big poof